Ultimate Ki workout routine:
1. Spiral energy exercises / Chan si gong: of Chen style taijiquan, follow the version of this taught by Chen Xiaoxing and Chen Xiaowang, not other versions.
2. Abdomen/spine work based on kundalini yoga. Best known to me is "Navel Power" by Ravi Singh. Cheesy presentaiton but very effective. You only need to do the first half, about up to the first standing posture, and the meditation/chanting stuff and also be skipped. Any other yoga-oriented abdomen/spine strength/flexibility routine could be used instead.
3. Strength work: bodyweight stuff is simplest and best. For example I use: Hindu pushups; reverse pushups; gynmastics tuck planche (static hold); gymnastics L-sit (on fists, static hold), and wall handstand pushups or partial dips.
4. Cardio: jump rope in intervals (high intensitiy interval training style).
Key to all the above is the "chan si gong" as that is the best engine of ki generation known to me after practicing dozens of styles and methods over decades.
The strength and other stuff is only there to help build a strong physical platform for the ki, in an efficient and pleasant way.