Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The other major nations need the USA gone in a world facing environmental and resource depletion problems. You don't need to have studied Sun Tzu to work that out. So they have, each in their own way and in a quite natural fashion, sought to undermine the USA at every opportunity. Fortunately for them the greed and stupidity of the US elite made this a lot easier than they ever could have dreamed possible.

I believe we are now in a geo-political end game for the US as a major power, the objective is no longer solely to bring down the USA, that is a fait accompli, but to do it in such a way as to prevent collateral damage and some sort of Götterdämmerung blaze of glory spasm by the US in its death throes. This is why the Chinese and Co aren't simply blowing up big chunks of Wall Street and the Fed (although they could with tap of a keyboard. SELL. EXECUTE.) and taunting the broken dazed populace of the "last superpower" live on CNN.

- S E Pearson