Sunday, August 20, 2006

Why not? You have lost your job, probably a large part of your identity. Your family is scattered. They only get together to save telephone bills on the feuds going on.

You've been put on a fixed income even though you didn't think your income was broken. You're living on pills, pricking your fingertips with lancets five times a day and sticking needles in your thighs.

It takes 20 minutes to get up and get moving every morning. Your vision and hearing is failing and your hair is falling out.

You get screamed at, cut off and flipped off on the freeway. Punks and the most rude of the bunch, the girls and young women, push in front of you in line. Even if you are in line for the men's roon at the grocery store, a woman with a loaded shopping cart will push in front of you!

You look at your insurance and realise you're worth way more dead than alive.

And the list goes on........and on..........and on.

You realize that, in the past, you were used to making you make one.

The last one.