Monday, February 28, 2005

Oh, it is so easy to condemn someone we know for sure is wrong. eh?

Gathering together for mutual support makes the condemnation even stronger, and more "right" - see all these people who agree with me? It feels good to be on the "right" side. eh? i am away from "pile" (home) for a couple weeks, and wow! such juicy chances to condemn: what she wears, what movie is worst, what spouse should know better, what child is naughty, what president is wrong, what country is evil, what terrorist should burn in hell... i do not always resist, the logic sometimes sounds good, and i join in... immediately heart and mind start shrinkin', gettin' leaner & meaner, contracting into delusional world while ole "I" is jumpin' up and down with delight!

What would happen if we let labeling people and stuff "wrong" go? "Any" condemnation tightens our shackles. And why are we here, but to be free?

- dharma grandmother on DailyDharma, Zen story from Zen Flesh, Zen Bones, by Paul Reps, published by Shambhala.