Tuesday, June 15, 2004

These words defeat and victory are so tied up with how we stay imprisoned. The real confusion is caused by not knowing that we have limitless wealth, and the confusion deepens each time we buy into this win/lose logic: if you touch me, that is defeat, and if I manage to armor myself and not be touched, that's victory.

Realizing our inner wealth would end our bewilderment and confusion. But the only way to do that is to let things fall apart. And that's the very thing that we dread the most--the ultimate defeat. Yet letting things fall apart would actually let fresh air into this old, stale basement of a heart that we've got.

- Pema Chodron

Everything we are trying so hard to keep in order, to prevent from happening, to protect from being what it is or who they are - what would happen if we just let them go? If the chips just fell where they may? Can you imagine the amount of energy we are using trying to keep it all bound up so it doesn't leak? Let go.... take your finger out of the dike.... let the flood begin... we won't drown... we won't even have to swim.. we will just float peacefully on the river of now..

- Dharma Grandmother comment and Pema Chodron quote from the book, Start Where You Are, published by Shambhala, both posted to DailyDharma