Thursday, December 31, 2009

Diogenes was neither an Attic nor a Dorian, nor tutored in the schools of Salon or Lycurgus, for neither places nor laws communicate virtue. He was born in the town of Synope, at the bottom of Pontus Euxinus. When he had consulted Apollo, he forsook all the occasions of grief and trouble, he delivered himself from his fetters, and like a wise and free bird, passed through the world without fearing the tyrants, without binding himself to any particular laws, without applying himself to the administration of public affairs, without being troubled in the education of children, without being encumbered by matrimony, without toiling himself with the cultivating of the ground, without engaging himself in the carrying out of war, without trafficking merchandise by sea or land; for he laughed at all these sorts of men, and at their several stations of life as we commonly laugh at children who we observe so intent to play with trifles, until they often fight and hurt one another.

He led the life of an independent, being free from fears and anxieties. In winter seasons he did not by long fatiguing journeys approach the Babylonians, nor in the summer the Medes; but according to the season, and from the Isthmus, according to the season, and from the Isthmus to Attica again. His royal palaces were the temples, the colleges, and the sacred woods. His riches very large and secure, and not being circumscribed, were not easily subject to ambushes, they being the whole earth with all the fruits it bore, and the fountains that it affords, more excellent than the wines of Lesbos and Chios. He habituated himself also to all sorts of weather as lions do, and would not avoid the changing of the seasons, appointed by Jupiter; neither did he consider any means to secure himself from them; but accustomed himself in such a manner to all seasons, by this kind of living, so that he secured this health and strength, without any assistance from medicine, without experiencing the sharpness of the scalpel or cautery, without imploring the help of Chiron, or of Esculapius or Asclepiades, and without submitting to the prophecies of soothsayers, or to magical and superstitious purifications, or to the vanity of conjurations. At the same time that all Greece was in arms and uproar, and all the neighboring nations were at war with one another, he alone experienced it as if it were a truce with all the earth, and having overcome fighting, was without arms in the midst of armed men. Nay, even the basest of men, the tyrants and his very slanderers, had a respect for him and would not in the least hurt him, though he reproved them, objecting and lampooning their actions before their very eyes, which is a very safe and very convenient way of reproach – reminding men of peace and reason.

- Maximum of Tyre

Monday, December 21, 2009

Is it not also amusing that golf is even taken seriously as an athletic pursuit? I mean, why not pancake-flipping? Or dice? Or shooting rats at the landfill?

- James Kunstler

Thursday, December 10, 2009

"We wants to wreck them. They wants to take away our precious! The one with the ears, he wants the precious back. Always watching. Always wanting the precious. We must wreck him and then the young one. They will never take our precious."

- Gollum

Friday, November 27, 2009

"Pot could be prescribed and regulated the same way that pain pills such as vicodin, oxycodone and other narcotic drugs are treated. "

Yes, it COULD be... but WHY SHOULD IT?!

I'm fucking sick and tired of hearing people say "regulate it and tax
it just like alcohol, tobacco and other drugs". Fuck that shit. Don't
regulate and tax ANY of it. Do we "regulate and tax" water, cornmeal,
eggs? Then why pot or alcohol? It is a mechanism of social control
and economic dominance. Anyone who suggests that pot (and other
drugs) be "regulated and taxed" is, in objective terms, allied with the
elites, and is an enemy of the people.

PS: darn, I neglected that word "prescribed". That's even worse.
Much worse. To suggest that a drug or substance not only be "taxed
and regulated", but be under the exclusive control of doctors?!
Again, to suggest this is to ally with the elites and take a position
decidedly in opposition to the people's interests.

- Alan2102

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Russell was clever, but he was only really concerned with things that don’t matter. He didn’t love or need wisdom; he wanted a doll’s house of the mind, so he could feel himself to be surrounded by order and neat answers. Because he was an intelligent man he was not easily satisfied – it wasn’t a cheap doll’s house; but all the same, it was a doll’s house.
- Elberry

Friday, October 23, 2009

And he went up, and lay upon the child, and put his mouth upon his mouth, and his eyes upon his eyes, and his hands upon his hands: and stretched himself upon the child; and the flesh of the child waxed warm.

-- 2 Kings 4:34, KJV

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Over the last few weeks i’ve come to feel that this will be my last life. Perhaps it’s just that, having no idea what the world will be like in 25 years, i also can’t imagine a future life. None of my past lives turned out to be at all like i’d imagined, when i used to mentally toy with the idea of reincarnation; but at least it was possible to imagine such lives. However, the feeling is strong and persistent, and it makes sense of this life: i don’t think this Elberry incarnation is meant to be a proper life, so much as a tidying up of loose ends, an epilogue to five millenia of foolery and difficulty and crazy hair. It explains why i know of three lives (four, now, as another German one is emerging from the vaults), when most people don’t even suspect they’ve lived before, let alone remember their lives.
It shouldn’t make any difference but it does; i feel relieved of a long burden, to know (or suspect, hope) this will be my last physical life. i already felt somewhat distant from my own life, but i now feel something like i did when i knew i was about to leave one of my many shitty office jobs – a gleeful irresponsibility, knowing i can say or do just about anything and it won’t matter, because i won’t be here next week. In this case, i have at least two loose ends left to tidy up, from the last life – someone to meet, and something to write. Both are things to look forward to. But after that, adios motherfucker, bon voyage.

- Elberry
An elegant study, formulated by psychologists Ellen Langer and Alia Crum at Harvard University in 2007, examined the effect of simply being told that you are doing something healthy. Eighty-four female room attendants working in various hotels were divided into two groups: one was told that cleaning hotel rooms was "good exercise" and "satisfies the Surgeon General's recommendations for an active lifestyle", along with elaborate explanations of how and why; the other group did not receive this cheering information, and just carried on cleaning hotel rooms. Four weeks later, the 'informed' group perceived themselves to be getting significantly more exercise than before, and showed a significant decrease in weight, body fat, waist-to-hip ratio and body mass index. Amazingly, both groups were still reporting the same amount of activity.

Sunday, October 04, 2009

I believe the reality is that pulling out a credit card and ordering a book or a course is easy. Actually consuming the material and doing the work is hard. When people discover there's actual work involved, they too often reach for the credit card again to move on to the next big thing.

- Bill Hibbler

Sunday, September 27, 2009

*Most kinds of .45 have unexceptional muzzle energy and are big and fat, giving fairly poor performance even against light, flexible body armour. It was the standard US military pistol round for a long time and many diehards still swear by it, but people who carry guns for a living - cops, soldiers, criminals - are mostly using other calibres these days. (Some spec-ops troops still use .45, as the bullet is subsonic and thus can be effectively silenced.)

Wednesday, September 23, 2009

The other major nations need the USA gone in a world facing environmental and resource depletion problems. You don't need to have studied Sun Tzu to work that out. So they have, each in their own way and in a quite natural fashion, sought to undermine the USA at every opportunity. Fortunately for them the greed and stupidity of the US elite made this a lot easier than they ever could have dreamed possible.

I believe we are now in a geo-political end game for the US as a major power, the objective is no longer solely to bring down the USA, that is a fait accompli, but to do it in such a way as to prevent collateral damage and some sort of Götterdämmerung blaze of glory spasm by the US in its death throes. This is why the Chinese and Co aren't simply blowing up big chunks of Wall Street and the Fed (although they could with tap of a keyboard. SELL. EXECUTE.) and taunting the broken dazed populace of the "last superpower" live on CNN.

- S E Pearson

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

This is a good point at which to ask ourselves the question – “What is the scenario that would cause maximum damage to the average PM sector investor, and at the same time funnel his resources most efficiently into the pockets of Big Money?” This is an easy one to answer – it would be a gold breakout to new highs that would trigger a wave of buy stops and lead to many chart followers and a broad swath of investors piling in. Having “lobster potted” the majority Big Money could then engineer a savage reversal and plunge and you had better believe that they have got the clout to do it – this is the game they played with copper last year.

- Clive Maund

- Tai Chi Classic writing: Song of 13 Postures

Monday, September 14, 2009

I'd be surprised if there had never been a thread here about how the Enterprise was clearly not on a "peaceful mission" but a neoliberal imperialist mission. If it's peaceful, why a military ship? Why under military command? Where are the diplomats? Why does Kirk despise every diplomat he has to deal with? They often come cruising in where they're not wanted like Commodore Peary in Tokyo Harbor saying "open up your markets to our trade or else!" They're like someone who goes down the street banging on strangers' doors shouting "Achtung! Open up and be friendly!" They're just interstellar housebreakers.

My favorite is how they have this "Prime Directive" which they violate in every episode, often giving some ideological explanation for why it doesn't apply in some case. For example: "this civilization is stagnant, and the Prime Directive only applies to progressive civilizations, not stagnant ones".

So if according to their ideology a place is stagnant and not progressing, then they can interfere as much as they want. Sounds familiar.
- LATOC forum

Saturday, September 12, 2009

"Blessed is he who has found his work, let him ask no other blessing."

- Thomas Carlyle

Thursday, September 10, 2009

My personal "Basic Integrated Curriculum" is

Bodylock takedown

Crazy Monkey guard
Low Thai kick

Basic Positions
Mount Escapes
Side Control Escapes
Scissor Sweep
Situp Sweep
Back Control
Arm Triangle

That's for "Self Defense". If some regular dude studies that list for a year they will be well equipped to handle 99.99999% of all unarmed encounters they will ever have. They don't have to make any decisions about breaking peoples arms. They know how to escape from bad positions and they know how to subdue someone on the ground.

- kintanon

Friday, September 04, 2009

"Maybe someday in the distant future some idylic, in touch with nature, hunter gatherer society will emerge from the ashes, but by then I'll be long dead and won't give a shit. "


Thursday, September 03, 2009

And all Stilt-Man wanted to do was go to the movies and watch Halloween II with his date. (He heard that during horror movies, sometimes girls will get scared and turn to their dates for "protection" and that can lead to a goodnight kiss!

- Bullshido poster

Tuesday, September 01, 2009


"You make your own reality" and Monroe proved it while discovering reality is a hologram type of illusion one hundred percent mentally created and imagined.

- El Principe (amazon reviewer)

Sunday, August 23, 2009

"The elites are all going to run in there and hide during 2012, and then after we're all dead, they'll emerge to restart another human farm."

- somebody's internet comment about abrupt cancellation of Yucca Mountain nuke waste storage project
"As of the moment of writing, the out-of-pocket cost of America's wars in Iraq and Afghanistan is $900,000,000,000. When you add in the already incurred future costs of veterans benefits, interest on the debt, the forgone use of the resources for productive purposes, and such other costs as computed by Nobel economist Joseph Stiglitz and Harvard University budget expertLinda Bilmes, "our" government has wasted $3,000,000,000,000--three thousand billion dollars--on two wars that have no benefit whatsoever for any American whose income does not derive from the military/security complex, about which five-star general President Eisenhower warned us."

-Paul Craig Roberts

Friday, August 21, 2009

In the dissolution of the witness, there was literally no more experience of a "me" at all. The experience of personal identity switched off and was never to appear again.

- Suzanne Segal
"As a man in a dream who fails to lay hands upon another whom he is pursuing- the one cannot escape nor the other overtake."

(Homer's Iliad, XX11.)

Tuesday, August 11, 2009

Bullshido misc., typical:

In spite of all odds and proof to the contrary, you should continue on your course to discover the one tiny detail that everyone has missed that will make your art the deadly art you want it to be. It could be shoe type, sock color, vitamin brand, it's there, just keep searching. Try combinations of magic potions, guess work, and anything that doesn't include training. (because that has proven to be a dead end)

Tom C.


Just through talking to people, most people I know have established a theory that I also subscribe to:

"All russians crazy, you want neurotic girlfriend or homicidal best friend, Get a russian"

I'm sure there are many normal ones, but every single one I've met has been balls to the wall crazy, and generally deadly (nice though). So it seems strange to me that Systema doesn't work.

Ladies be pretty though.

Friday, August 07, 2009

"When people are earning a new physical skill they often apply way too much muscular tension, which will naturally reduce as they become more proficient. Let's take a left jab as an example; a raw beginner may tense their bicep at the beginning on the punch and keep it tense all the way through, which is actually counter-productive because it means the tricep has to work harder than it needs to in order to extend the punch. Same applies to other muscle groups. With more training, the boxer learns to relax certain groups and their punch speeds up and becomes more efficient.

However, the mechanics of a jab or cross are distinct from those of the so-called "ballistic strike", which is also referred to as a wave strike, a whip strike, etc. Linear punches work by aligning the skeleton behind the strike, which allows an efficient transfer of body weight into momentum (supported and directed by muscular tension and extension). Ballistic strikes operate by allowing both flexors and extensors to remain relaxed, as Vieux Normand explained; the arm (assuming we're still talking about punching) is effectively a dead weight, unsupported by the muscular tension required to maintain linear skeletal alignment. It's like a medieval ball-and-chain, as opposed to a battering ram.

The intermediary step would be something like a shovel hook, the main difference being that a hook is typically thrown with enough tension to retain skeletal alignment (i.e., to get the weight of the body more-or-less directly behind the punch) whereas the ballistic version is thrown with very little tension, the power being generated by a weight shift from foot to foot and delivered by a "dead arm" swing.

Frankly, both methods - the more orthodox, tension and alignment-based punch,and the ballistic punch - generate serious power. The ballistic punch doesn't require as much of a chamber and is optimized for sucker punch scenarios, which is (IMO) probably why it was originally favored in Systema (re. the historical connection between Systema and executive protection work)."

Thursday, August 06, 2009

"China has the biggest pile of cash on the planet - $2 trillion worth. And it has more bright, well-educated engineers, accountants and economists than anywhere else... In fact, it has so many economists trained at Western universities, it is almost sure to blow itself up."

- Bill Bonner

Wednesday, August 05, 2009

"I've said this one way or the other for some time now. I can't for the life of me understand why people don't get it. These things are our birth right: Food, shelter, water, at a minimum. We're the only mammals ( western industrial), slaving for someone else, with no self sufficient means to acquire food, water , shelter ( without the aid of Wal-mart and Mc Donalds). Here's a true story I hope will open some people eyes.

In 1998, i was a Peace Corps volunteer in the Ivory Coast. i lived in a village of 1,500 people. 98% of the people lived in mud huts with Straw roofs. I lived in a cement block house with no running water, electricity, or any other amenities in I can think of, just four solid walls, and a roof over my head, plus a bed and mosquito net. Well, I basically observed that every man, women, and child in that village knew how to build their own mud hut (Adobe/cob), and all the materials were free from the forest or the village. On average, each house lasted about 30 years before they rebuilded, or longer. Every man woman, and child had access to the forest for any materials they wanted, also hunting rights, and rights to the wild bananas and other foods, if you could beat the monkeys to them. They all went to the their fields in the morning, a long walk, worked hard all day. They would come back home home to a natural home cooked meal, that took a lot of labor. Basicallly the women would spend all day fetching water, fire wood, and pounding and cooking food, by hand, or making oil, drying fish, and etc. Everyone was in great shape, all of those bastard guys had six packs ( So jealous). So i never saw these Aids, emaciated people they cover on the news. I wish i had paid more attention to how they bulit those houses then, I just kinda, took in life, and watched the world go by for three glorious years. One of the best experiences of my life. So this was in West Africa.

The other night, i went to visit a friend of mine. She lives in So Cal. Her husband is a Kenyan Bee keeper (Top Bar hives). They just had a baby. At any rate, they pulled out their front lawn, planted millet, tomatoes, and potatoes, in the back they planted kale, fruit trees , corn, and every thing else you can imagine, plus chickens. We were talking, and without comments from me, my friend's husband started talking about Kenya, and how they decided they wanted to go back, his wife is American ( White). So I asked why, hell I knew, just wanted to hear from them. He said, i have 30 acres of land in Kenya from my Grand father, my brother has another 30, i lived on the edge of lake victoria, I have access to fish, and farmalnd. One months rent here, would be enough to live like a king in my home land. And besides, we don't talk about living green in my home, we are Green. When we build a mud house, we know it's is not permanent, and nothing will be left behind, the mud and straw will eventually return to the Earth, after 30 years or so. No trace of me or anyone else. Why should we have permanent buildings like you guys in the US, when we ourselves are not permanent, i don't understand these houses/buildings in the States.

Well, he didn't have to convince me, i saw what he was talking about 11 years ago on the opposite side of the continent, but it made me think about our predicament even more. I think the meek may really inherit the earth. All the countries which have been abused by Western powers via: Slavery, coloniazation, neo coloniazation, Unfair extractions of natural resources, and etc. . These countries have been denied fossil fuels essentially when you really look at it. Therefore, they've been forced to live at a very local level, building their own house and etc. They are already ready living in Peak oil for the most part. If life is a ten story building, and The US is on the 10th floor, and back woods African countries are on the first first floor. Tell me, who has farther to fall in a post industrial world? We do of course, maybe we get what we deserve, maybe this is karma working itself out? i don't know, but what I do know is that eventually, the cultures which have maintained their ability to construct housing , farm,. and etc without fossil fuels will inherit the earth,. May it be so. My ten cents."

- internet post from somebody

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Tons of people came to Portland after, during and just before the Kurt Cobain thing. There were artists here before that of course, but early 90s saw a general inundation. It's good and bad when you have to live with it, but artists basically go into art knowing they are going to be poor. In fact, if you're not poor the whole myth doesn't work, if and when you finally arrive as a great writer, musician, etc.

The funny thing about this article is that I could close my eyes and throw a rock and I'd bet you my little left toe that the person hit by the rock will be able to discourse at length about how to survive with no money. As I got into my 30s I realized that this artist/survival ethic extended itself to young families with kids just as much as it did to the single, 22 yo male with nothing to lose.

Having spent more than my fair share of time in the heart of the city, living that life I can tell you that there is something to be said for creativity and ingenuity. But also there's something unmentioned in this article and it's your peers. In Portland one of the main things that allows a no-account, little shit musician to get drunk and laid three nights a week while living off of craigslist gigs is the fact that everybody does this exact same thing. Thus there is no peer guilt, or at least it's highly mitigated by the crowd.

For example, just off the top of my head (and I'm a few years out from the cutting edge of urban survival):

-smokes...go to the tobacco store, buy rolling tobacco in bulk. currently 5.50 an ounce of good shag

-brew your own beer or go in with somebody who has the equipment, pay for the ingredients. or just buy at the store and avoid the bar altogether. last time i did it, worked out to 30 cents a bottle including the price of the bottle for some high grade double hopped belgian beer

-trader joes (local grocery), kettleman's bagels, etc, etc, all toss their food in the dumpster and it's basically perfect. in fact, the employees inside know that if they take care to keep the toss away shit in good shape their store will be respected, even appreciated. a conservative estimate would say at least 200 places do this. huge bags of bagels are a dollar, three bags for two dollars. frozen dumpster food if you get it quick is still fuckin frozen and in perfect condition.

-for shelter you rent a fucking room. and yes i know very well adjusted families with kids who do this by simply renting two rooms in the same house. this has been going for close to two decades, that i've seen.

-food stamps, unemployment, craigslist gigs, day labor and barter systems are ubiquitous to portland. there would in fact be no portland as we know it without these yeah it's going to turn to shit like everyone else but....

-a huge amount of people are constantly running around trying to make co-ops and urban farms and every other fucking thing to make the best of shit, eventually this has forced the monied class to live with the reality of the rest of us. the cops do still shoot people on a regular basis, but i know from first hand experience that if they come to your dumpy little co-housing situation and you treat them with respect they will be totally reasonable (i've seen this w/ blacks, whites, whatever). and this happens specifically because the city shits their pants as a collective whenever something oppressive happens. sure it still happens, but it's better than just rolling over and accepting a foot in your ass.

-the point to all this is not to say that portland is better, though it probably is, but rather to point out that the whole reality of portland and other similar cities comes from the fact that starving artists basically paved the way for how to get it done.

I would submit that most 'artists' are actually just narcissistic assholes in pupa form, however IF they do in fact live by the creative ethos then there might in fact be something survival-worthy in regards to a general sense of creativity.

Monday, July 27, 2009

M.C. Hammer, for those who missed his brief act, was a late-80s- early-90s rap star most famous for squandering a huge fortune. “Hammer” had amassed a booty of some $33 million at peak popularity thanks to a few hit songs and some catchy dance moves. With or without the advice of his manager, the rap star dumped $12 of that million into a Californian mega-mansion, complete with two gold- plated "Hammer Time" gates at the entrance to the property and a 17- car garage, which he filled with luxury vehicles. Not one to shy away from his own reflection, Hammer had $75,000 worth of mirrors installed throughout the house. A couple of helicopters were on standby out back in case Hammer needed to be anywhere faster than his Lamborghinis could take him.

Alas, as we all know, “Hammer Time” can’t last forever. And, after his entourage of 300 helped the poor rapper blow his loot, Hammer filed for bankruptcy and spent the final years of the millennium as a comical footnote in the book of one-hit wonders.

- Joel Bowman
"Arms races are inherently negative-sum games; the only winning party is the guy who is selling the weapons."

- Karl Denninger

Sunday, July 26, 2009

I wasn't good as Mike Tyson, but as Joe Frazier, I kicked ass.

- Mike Tyson when asked by interviewer how well he played "Fight Night Round 4" video game

Saturday, July 25, 2009

I have never seen in over 12 years of Police work any attacker threaten another in silence.

- Paul Genge

Monday, July 13, 2009

" I contend that we are both atheists. I just believe in one fewer god than you do. When you understand why you dismiss all the other possible gods, you will understand why I dismiss yours."

-Stephen Roberts

Friday, July 10, 2009

Another of my friends went thru what he calls conceptual therapy and as a biomedical tech in a hospital he was called in on a new sterilizer that had hiccupped as soon as he was there this female supervisor ranted up one side and down another about him, the machine, her day, ad nauseum.

When she stopped he asked "What part of that is going to help me fix this machine?"

-ME forum

Monday, July 06, 2009

When the time comes when we do look back to understand what went wrong, I think we'll see that the Woodstock generation went off the rails in 1980, with the election of the actor, Ronald Reagan, who really established the idea that a society could benefit hugely just by lying to itself, or simply pretending. It wasn't "morning in America," of course. It was more like eleven-thirty at night, and the rest of the world had eaten our breakfast, lunch, and dinner, and we decided that inflating our national self-esteem was more important than paying attention to reality. That was when we became a something-for-nothing society -- and, incidentally, it was also the take-off point for legalized gambling all over America (an "industry" based on the worship of unearned riches). And that was, coincidentally, the moment when we became a nation of dupes, grifters, marks, and suckers.

- J H Kunstler
In late 1988, Tyson fired longtime trainer Kevin Rooney, the man many credit for honing Tyson's craft after the death of D'Amato. Without Rooney, Tyson's skills quickly deteriorated and he became more prone to looking for the one-punch knockout, rather than using the combinations that brought him to stardom. He also began to head-hunt, neglecting to attack the opponent's body first. In addition, he lost his defensive skills and began to barrel straight in toward the opponent, neglecting to jab and slip his way in.

- Wiki

Sunday, July 05, 2009

Develop strong transverse power

It will help you land solid hooks and upper-cuts. When I take on taller guys, I cover up instead of jabbing to get inside, but once inside I wait for one of his hooks (since he can't throw straight shots) and then counter punch. My power range is right on and i am still too close for him to hit with any power. I do this for mma, but it still works really good for boxing, too. Twisting crunches, etc. Transverse power is all in the twist.

Friday, July 03, 2009

Nobody wants to hear what the plumber has to say til the shit backs up in the living room.

- Susanne Trimbath

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

"... Not saying don't do it, am saying make damn sure you know who is going to be in the blast radius when you pull the pin on this grenade."

- internet

Sunday, June 28, 2009

"Only in america you can be born a poor black man and die a rich white woman."

- on the net

Friday, June 19, 2009

Hobbits are an unobtrusive but very ancient people, more numerous formerly than they are today; for they love peace and quiet and good tilled earth: a well-ordered and well-farmed countryside was their favourite haunt. They do not and did not understand or like machines more complicated than a forge-bellows, a water-mill, or a hand-loom, though they were skilful with tools.

- Tolkien
“I saved nothing for the way back”.
- from Gattaca

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Buyer needs to be better than aware, buyer needs to stay away.

- Real Servant

Sunday, June 14, 2009

I might state the "monkey fairness" heuristic as "I deserve at least
as much as X Y and Z do". In the real world, on average, X Y or Z
will just by natural processes seem to be more advantaged in the
narrow way being considered. And X Y and Z use the same strategy, and
may be looking at different aspects of advantage. This provides a
rationale for permanent ratcheting up. The distributions that natural
systems generate are considered unfair by capuchins and humans, which
leads to being pissed off at the world and others a lot of the time.


Thursday, June 11, 2009

Are you not willing to be sponged out, erased, canceled, nothing? If not, you will never really change.

D.H. Lawrence

Sunday, June 07, 2009

I've said it before but will say it again... Britain will be the next Nazi Germany. I've read a lot on Weimar Germany and I see all the parallels around me every day. It is deeply broken country in almost every way, rotten to the core. It will soon implode and lash out at anyone it can... we'll probably start WW3. You heard it here first...

J. Jones

Sunday, May 03, 2009

I haven't rubbed shoulders with the elite in a long while, but
among the small investors and business people I talk with, my impression is that these folks are strongly addicted to the dopamine rush they get when they buy and sell. The rampant hysteria over Obama's bailouts/social medicine/gun- ban is a fear of an encroaching socialism that will cut them off from their drug/addiction that the last administration affirmed. You just can't get the same hit with that socialistic- methadone gack they're pushing over at Obama's free clinic.

Anyway, the market-dopers/ elite will take us to the wall with their capitalist-market- crack, then, when it can't be sustained any longer, in an act of addictive transference, they will dump free markets smack for war. Like a junkie pushing the spike in for one last glorious hit, they will launch the missiles. The orgy of our free markets will be maintained by, or even, superseded by, the ultimate rush that is the orgy of war. War is the ultimate dopamine rush, and the only logical progression/ alternative to a free market crack addition.

Everybody else gets to go along with the resulting misery, just like the codependents in the home of an alcoholic/addict.

All the talk about sustainable this or that is just so much denial that prevents us from facing the truth about our free-market addiction. The elites seize upon and affirm with each other the socially acceptable lies and flimsy rationalizations (carbon-credits/ offsets, hydrogen economy, hybrid cars, etc.) that support their destructive behavior and help drag their codependents (you and me) along with them down the shit hole.


Saturday, March 07, 2009

OK, so what kind of individual-in- group behavior will be selected? That behavior which most benefits the group.

Imagine an 18-year-old child crouching in a muddy ditch somewhere in France. Someone blows a whistle. He leaps out of the ditch and runs headlong into a Maxim gun and is blown to pieces. Why did he do it? Because the willingness to die for an abstraction, or someone he has never met, increased the fitness of his ancestors.

People are NOT "born to be good," OR "born to be bad," people are born to act in ways that increased the fitness of their ancestors. What they do tomorrow depends upon genes/environment (not genes).

We are entering a many-decades period of declining resources. Capitalism can't run backwards. When the supply lines collapse, people will arm themselves and take to the streets.

Now the Unites States will look like 1933 Germany. Rush Limbaugh-types will form personal armies and march on Washington. The people who are running our government must either take what they need from another country by force else or they will be overthrown.

Now the Unites States will look like 1939 Germany. Perhaps we will invade Canada like Hitler invaded Poland. Ultimately, it will be a global war of all against all for the remaining resources.
- Jay Hanson

Thursday, March 05, 2009

It seems feasible that over the coming century human nature will be scientifically remodelled. If so, it will be done haphazardly, as an upshot of struggles in the murky realm where big business, organised crime, and the hidden parts of government vie for control. If the human species is re-engineered it will not be the result of humanity assuming a godlike control of its destiny. It will be another twist in man's fate.

John Gray

Saturday, February 21, 2009

"How is everybody?"

Yeah, this was California flair that I had this evening. I attended a back bending workshop with Todd Tesen from LA, California. He is a tall man with a lot of muscles. He must have been a weight lifter in his former life, I thought. So many strong muscles. Really.

He said the first words in a for me rather strong US accent and I knew at once - this is not an intellectual. He is a light-hearted man who brings a lot of fun. So it was.

Suddenly this healthy man stood behind me while I was doing downward facing dog. I do not know what he did, of course it was an adjustment, a new one for me. My hands lifted up from the floor. I felt like a feather. OMG, such a strong man, I thought, he can lift me up so easily.

Todd is a comedian: He showed us how people usually do hanumanasana (split pose) and how wrong the hip position usually is. He pretended to be a sort of ballet dancer, while showing the pose to us. It really made me laugh. Then he did it the correct way. Afterwards he bound together his long hair.

It was a show. I liked it to see, how he went on his knees when he came out of urdhva dhanurasana.
- Ursula

Monday, February 16, 2009

I wish I could drink because I would probably be drunk too.

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

I am originally from Finland, but now lliving in Kyoto, Japan. I am going to be a Buddhist monk here. My studies include Buddhism, Japanese, and Classical Chinese. For work, I do nothing, because I have enough gold to sustain myself until I am a monk who does not need money to survive (many Japanese temples are self-sufficient communities). For fun, I study Chinese characters.

Thursday, January 01, 2009

"My long sickness of health and living now begins to mend, and nothing brings me all things."

~Timon of Athens, Act V Scene I