Saturday, May 31, 2008

"It's not steroids that are the problem, they are a side effect of being American."

Friday, May 30, 2008

How To Impress Women?

Smile at them as you open your wallet, say a kind word as you open your wallet, extol their finer points as you open your wallet, recite poetry as you open your wallet, promise the earth as you open your wallet, to save time just open your wallet, if you don’t have a wallet, gee that’s tough. Whatever you do, don’t wear a waistcoat.

- Malty

Thursday, May 29, 2008

Only the mountain has lived long enough to listen objectively to the howl of a wolf.

-Aldo Leopold

Saturday, May 17, 2008

The only way to escape the treadmill is to escape Capitalist
propaganda and advertising, because beads and trinkets attract women
better than anything else. It's genetic.

-Jay Hanson

Thursday, May 15, 2008

Humans are NOT the "intelligent" animals they are purported to be,
they are little more than lizards walking around on their hind feet.
Although fantastically complex arguments are given for doing this or
that, it's really quite simple. A binary decision switch is thrown
subconsciously and then sometime later (from seconds to as long as it
takes) a plausible excuse is invented to rationalize the decision.

- Jay Hanson

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

One of the oft cited premises of the 9/11 Truth movement is that the attack on the towers was the pearl harbor-like event that the neocons anticipated would be necessary to move the US to embrace the aggressive militaristic tactics manifested in Iraq. Here, we have Rumsfeld casually joking about it—not a smoking gun, but, perhaps, a clear “tell” in poker parlance, indicating ready ability to think in these terms.
"Humans do not really think. It's a fiction. Humans perform
"displays" to gain political power just like other social animals.
It's all about the body language, no thinking required -- or even

Jay Hanson

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Mais l’orgie et la camaraderie des femmes m’étaient interdites. Pas même un compagnon. Je me voyais devant une foule exaspérée, en face du peloton d’exécution, pleurant du malheur qu’ils n’aient pu comprendre, et pardonnant! – Comme Jeanne d’Arc! – ‘Prêtes, professeurs, maîtres, vous vous trompez en me livrant à la justice. Je n’ai jamais été de ce peuple-ci; je n’ai jamais été chrétien; je suis de la race qui chantait dans le supplice; je ne comprends pas les lois; je n’ai pas le sens moral, je suis une brute: vous vous trompez…’

But orgy and the comradeship of women were forbidden me. Not even a companion. I could see myself in front of an angry crowd, facing the firing-squad, weeping with the unhappiness which they would not have been able to understand, and forgiving them! - Like Joan of Arc! - ‘Priests, doctors, masters, you are mistaken in handing me over to justice. I have never belonged to this people; I have never been a Christian; I belong to the race which used to sing under torture; I do not understand the laws; I have no moral sense, I am an animal: you are making a mistake…’

(Rimbaud, Une Saison en Enfer, tr. Oliver Bernard)