Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Energy Radiated from Bhagavan

As told by Wolter Keers, a Dutch teacher and writer who visited Bhagavan in 1950, just before his mahasamadhi:

The first time I saw Bhagavan, even at a distance, I immediately recognised that this was the being I had been looking for all my life. My immediate experiences in his presence cemented that conviction. As I sat before him, I became aware of an all- penetrating, all-conquering love that nothing in me was able to resist. But when I use the word 'love', I don't think I quite encapsulate the driving, unstoppable energy with which Bhagavan effortlessly radiated this dissolving force. If I say that I was repeatedly struck by jolting, shuddering, mind-dissolving bolts of lightning, you will get a better idea of just how powerful his presence was. Or perhaps you won't, because I have discovered that no one who has not experienced this kind of energy for himself can really understand what I am hinting at. You will get the idea of some magnificent being radiating light, but you will not have that experience for yourself.

The Power of the Presence, part three. David Godman

Tuesday, January 11, 2005

Look here, my son!

He who has forgotten his true nature is alternately born and dies, turning round and round in the unceasing wheel of time, like a feather caught up in a whirlwind, until he realised the true nature of the Self. If he comes to see the individual self and its substratum, the Overself, then he becomes the substratum, i.e., Brahman, and escapes rebirth. Should you know yourself no harm will befall you.

As you asked I have told you this.

- excerpt from Kaivalya Navaneeta (The Cream of Emancipation)
Deeper Than Love
by D.H. Lawrence

There is love, and it is a deep thing
but there are deeper things than love.

First and last, man is alone.
He is born alone, and alone he dies
and alone he is while he lives, in his deepest self.

Love, like the flowers, is life, growing.
But underneath are the deep rocks, the living rock that lives
and deeper still the unknown fire, unknown and heavy, heavy
and alone.

Love is a thing of twoness.
But underneath any twoness, man is alone.

And underneath the great turbulent emotions of love, the
violent herbage,
lies the living rock of a single creature's pride,
the dark, naif pride.
And deeper even than the bedrock of pride
lies the ponderous fire of naked life
with its strange primordial consciousness of justice
and its primordial consciousness of connection,
connection with still deeper, still more terrible life-fire
and the old, old final life-truth.

Love is of twoness, and is lovely
like the living life on the earth
but below all roots of love lies the bedrock of naked pride,
and deeper than the bedrock of pride is the primordial fire of
the middle
which rests in connection with the further forever unknowable
fire of all things
and which rocks with a sense of connection, religion
and trembles with a sense of truth, primordial consciousness
and is silent with a sense of justice, the fiery primordial

All this is deeper than love
deeper than love.

~ D. H. Lawrence